Invitations open to join NSW 24-Hour Economy Advisory Council

Written by Jul 12, 2024The Shout

The Office of the NSW 24-Hour Economy Commissioner (Office) has invited representatives of organisations involved in the night-time economy to submit expressions of interest to join the new NSW 24-Hour Economy Advisory Council.

The Office said that the NSW Advisory Council will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the NSW night-time economy and help to foster vibrant, safe and sustainable communities.

Member of the Council will:

  • Collaborate with fellow council members to implement the Office of the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner’s priorities.
  • Provide valuable insights to the Commissioner to ensure the night-time economy is vibrant, inclusive, and sustainable.
  • Help shape policies and initiatives that address current challenges and future opportunities.

Applicants for the Council must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident, a NSW resident, or predominantly working in the state and must be aged 18 or over.

  • The Office has outlined key questions that applicants must address in their applications to join the Council. These are:
  • List the sector(s) and/or geographical region or district operating within the 24-hour economy you represent.
  • Briefly describe your expertise and track record of delivering initiatives under the existing 24-Hour Economy Strategy, or participation in other projects, programs or initiatives of the Office of the 24-Hour Economy Commissioner over the last three years. Please also indicate any other involvement with the 24-hour economy sector in NSW or other jurisdictions. (max 200 words)
  • If applicable, briefly outline how your organisation represents and advocates for the interests of businesses or communities in Regional NSW. (max 100 words)
  • Briefly outline one idea or solution that would enhance the 24-hour economy in NSW. Please highlight what would be needed from key stakeholders, for example state or local government, industry or communities to achieve/deliver the solution. (300 word limit)
  • Are you currently serving as a member of any other advisory groups, boards, councils, or committees? And, if applicable, please provide a brief outline of your contributions, as a member of similar advisory groups, councils, boards, or committees to date. (max 200 words)

Applications close at 11.59pm on Tuesday 23 July, 2024 and for more information and to apply, head to the 24-Hour Economy Advisory Council Expression of Interest webpage.

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