Recipe of the Week: Tali Warnock’s award-winning Scottish Light

Written by Dec 18, 2024Beer and Brewer

Tali Warnock is a member of the South Australian Brewing Club (SABC) in Adelaide, who has shared the recipe to her treasured Scottish Light.

Tali describes the brew as having; “Toasty, caramel and biscuity malt tones with a lightly sweet-dry finish, and good mouthfeel and body for a low ABV style.” 

Tali had initially brewed the Scottish Light for the SABC’s Annual Summer Competition in January 2024. Tali had never previously tried a brew of this style before. The Scottish Light successfully secured the first-place position in the competition’s Low Alcohol category.

“Following the SABC Summer competition judging, the 5 winners from each category went into a ‘taste off’ at the Wheatsheaf Hotel in Thebarton, with Jade Flavell (owner and Head Brewer) choosing the favourite beer to be scaled up and rebrewed by Wheaty Brewing Corp,” Tali shared.

Unable to decide between the top two beers, Jade and the Wheaty staff opted to rebrew both, with Tali’s Scottish Light being one of them. Her Scottish Light is set to be brewed in early 2025.

“Special mention and thank you to the South Australian Brewing Club (SABC), SA Brewing  Supplies in Thebarton for stocking an awesome range of homebrewing supplies and ingredients, and to Jade and The Wheaty for all their support for the brewing club,” said Tali.

 ‘Bonnie’ – Tali Warnock’s Scottish Light

All Grain (expected figures)

OG: 1.033

FG: 1.009

ABV: 3.2%

IBU: 15

Volume: 22 Litres


1.9 kgMaris Otter

600 g Double Roasted Crystal

350 gBiscuit Malt 

275 gCrystal malt

150 gAbbey Malt

15 gChallenger Hops

Packet SafAle S-04 English Ale yeast

1 Whirlfloc tablet

Desired water profile:

Ca2 100

Mg2 15 

Na 50

Cl 75

SO42 150

HCO3  80


  1. Prepare your brewing water with mineral additions if able.
  2. Heat strike water to mash in all malts at 72 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes 
  3. Sparge with 76 degrees Celsius water to mash out and run off into kettle with 29.96. L at 1.029 pre-boil gravity
  4. Bring to boil then add hops. Boil for 60 mins.
  5. At 15 minutes left on the boil, add the whirl floc.
  6. At 60 minutes, flameout and whirlpool.
  7. Aim for 22L at 1.033 post boil, cool and transfer to fermenter.
  8. Aerate/oxygenate and pitch yeast.
  9. Ferment at 20 degrees for 14 days 
  10. Once gravity stabilises, cold crash before packaging

For all the other recipes in our continuing weekly series, head here. If you have a recipe you’d like to share with us, email Deb on

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