Register now for WCA ‘Resilience’ webinar

Written by Feb 3, 2025The Shout

Wine Communications of Australia (WCA) will host its ‘Resilience’ Webinar on Tuesday, 11 February, providing wine professionals the opportunity to develop resilience – understanding how to react, respond or reach out when problems arise.

The seminar will partner with Adam Przytula from social enterprise group Armed For Life, which focuses on motivating and empowering communities. Przytula’s session will look at how to tackle problems as they arise in 2025 and gain the ability to bounce back.

Przytula, an advocate for mental health, has been involved with running sessions in schools for over 22 years. His book Road to Resilience, is a guide through modern struggles and encourages the development of problem-solving skills for everyday life.

WCA ‘Resilience’ Webinar is the latest session to run in its monthly series of webinars. The series continues to provide its guests the opportunity to connect and engage with others to develop skills through an online and interactive environment. 

To register for the webinar, which will be held via Zoom from 12:30pm-1:30pm on Tuesday 11 February, click here.

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