Sprintr’s clean and green event tech

Written by Oct 9, 2024Spice News

Sustainability for the future of the planet has never been more important, and the events industry must play its part. Whether it’s through reducing waste, using recyclable materials, or thinking twice about the use of energy, every action is significant.

Embracing sustainability in events isn’t a trend; it’s a fundamental and critical commitment the industry needs to make for a green future.

Events have a substantial impact on our globe. From transport emissions to waste generation and energy consumption, they leave a major environmental footprint. But by incorporating sustainable practices, organisers can be part of the solution.

The team at events technology solutions company Sprintr has made sustainability a top priority since the company’s beginning. It believes everyone has a responsibility to take action towards a greener planet, and that the best time to act is now.

By promoting sustainable practices, Sprintr is leading by example. Its new EcoKiosk is crafted from reusable and recyclable reboard. It minimises environmental impact and reduces carbon footprint by eliminating the need for truck transportation.

Adopting sustainable practices goes beyond the environment by resonating with attendees, stakeholders and the public. Sustainable events demonstrate leadership, attract environmentally conscious participants, and enhance brand reputation by aligning with broader societal values.

Integrating sustainability into event planning isn’t just a moral choice; it’s a strategic decision that can lead to cost-saving and innovation in event tech. Also, doing the right thing for our planet makes us feel good.

Sprintr wants the events industry to lead by example and for others to follow suit. Its new EcoKiosk is just the beginning.

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