How to be the best

Written by Nov 26, 2024Food and Beverage Media

Applejack Hospitality was recently named Best Bar Group Operator at the 2024 Australian Liquor Industry Awards (ALIA). Andy Young spoke to Applejack’s owners Hamish Watts and Ben Carroll about what it means to win the award and how they go about running a successful business with multiple venues.

It’s been a year when operators have faced more scrutiny than ever, and where poor operations and unacceptable behaviour have been rightly called out. As a team we have already made a statement about the allegations made by the Sydney Morning Herald and Good Food, regarding Swillhouse and Merivale, two of Sydney’s best-known operators.

This article, however, shines a light on a good operator that has been recognised by its peers across the industry as the best in Australia. What follows here is about starting a new conversation around best practice and how great this industry can be when things are done right.

Hamish told F&B Media: “Let me start by saying there are lots of great operators out there running safe, fun workplaces – I’ve worked for many of them myself. I’m not here to preach, just share what’s worked well for us.”

But what does it take to become a great operator? “The biggest thing we’ve found is making sure that we have clear channels of communication,” he said. “We do regular 101’s with our teams, which helps us stay on top of how everyone’s doing. We’ve also got great mentors in the business, who help drive our culture and make sure everyone knows what we expect.

“Hospo is such a dynamic industry with so many variables, you constantly need to be on your toes. We’ve definitely learned over the years that you can’t do it all on your own. Running a successful business takes all sorts of different skills, and we’ve found the real key is bringing on good people who share our values and helping them grow with us.

“This is not just a mantra for us – it’s our purpose. Hospitality offers so many ways to find your passion (great food and booze being a big part of it) and express your creativity along the way. Sure, the competitive nature of the industry pushes us, but what drives us is creating a positive work environment for our team. There’s nothing better than watching people grow and flourish while working alongside you.”

There is no underestimating what it takes to be a successful operator – these things don’t just happen by chance. It takes time, it takes experience and it takes bloody hard work and, as Hamish was keen to express, good people.

“We’re fortunate to have a solid HR team, and we’ve made sure they’re there to support rather than police,” he said. “They help us build policies that give our team a voice and clear ways to communicate. We also offer an Employee Assistance Program for anyone who needs it. If something comes up that doesn’t align with our values, we address it right away.

“It’s really about finding people who fit with Applejack’s overall traits. There are a few key things we look for, but once we find someone who gets us, we look at their personality and skills to figure out where they’ll do best. That might be where they start with us, but it’s not always where they end up.

“It’s great having so many venues because sometimes the first spot isn’t the perfect fit for someone. We’re very flexible and happy to offer training if required then move them to a different venue that matches their style a little better.”

I’ve written about the current economic climate a lot of late. But for good reason. These are tough times with a variety of headwinds challenging all of us. Hamish said it is no different for Applejack at the moment, but they have taken time to ensure the business is in good shape to take advantage when conditions ease.

“It’s definitely been an interesting time,” Hamish said. “Sometimes you get those good runs, like when we came out of COVID – the wind was really at our back then. But you’ve got to accept that sometimes you’ll be running uphill into a headwind too.

“We’ve used this tough period to tighten up parts of the business that needed it, and honestly, we’ve found some purpose in pushing through it all. We’re lucky to have such a diverse portfolio of venues – it’s helped us keep things balanced across the board. Things have settled down a lot recently though.”

He added: “We are very optimistic for a good year ahead. It feels like trade has stabilised and punters are finding more confidence in spending again. Will it be bonkers trade?  Probably not, but we are certainly looking forward to 2025.”

There are a number of things that Applejack is known for within hospitality. My own experience of Applejack venues is: good drinks, good food, good people, good times. And I’ve always found Ben and Hamish to be incredibly helpful – great people who are happy to speak about operating in the hospitality industry.

So it’s great to see the hard work of everyone in the group recognised by the entire industry, with the Best Bar Group Operator ALIA win. It’s a testament to all the hard work put into the group’s venues and values.

Hamish said: “We try to strike the right balance. Everyone works hard, so of course they need to have fun and blow off steam – we just make sure we keep our values front and centre while we do it.

“Being positive has always been huge for us. Sure, lot of companies probably say the same thing, but we do try to keep an optimistic outlook. When everyone supports each other and has chances to grow, it just makes for a better place to work.”

So what does it mean to the group to win its second Best Bar Group Operator award in four years? “We were up against some fantastic operators from all over the country this year, and it was humbling just to be considered,” Hamish said “We’re obviously stoked to come away with the win and it’s given Ben, myself and the whole team a morale boost as we head into the busiest time of the year.”

Congratulations once again to Hamish, Ben and the whole Applejack team! I look forward to having a beer with you soon to toast the win!

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