Incoming law changes to impact licensed clubs in Queensland

Written by Mar 11, 2024Club Management

Queensland’s Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation has put club licensees on notice about incoming legal changes that will affect the way clubs resolve internal grievances and disclose remuneration to their members.

From 1 July, clubs that operate as an incorporated association must disclose remuneration paid and any benefits given to committee members, senior staff, and their relatives at their annual general meeting, even if the amount is zero.

“This requirement will provide greater transparency and accountability within associations and enable members to assess if remuneration and benefits paid to key individuals were an appropriate use of the association’s resource,” the Queensland government stated.

Clubs must disclose this information either in a document to be presented at the AGM or as part of a written remuneration statement for the financial year. Alternatively, it can be stated verbally, but it must be recorded in the AGM minutes.

According to the state government, incorporated associations registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission, who are exempt from submitting annual financial reports to the Office of Fair Trading, will not be exempt from this requirement.

Under new rules, clubs will also be required to follow the grievance procedures in the model rules to resolve disputes or include a complaint grievance procedure in their own constitution. Clubs can preview the model rules here to help decide.

“This will give associations a formal process to handle internal conflicts and help parties resolve them before they incur legal costs,” the Queensland government said.

Ahead of these changes, if clubs wish to create a grievance procedure for use from 1 July, the state government advised clubs to submit their amended constitution to the Office of Fair Trading by 30 April to allow for sufficient time for it to be reviewed and registered.

However, according to the state government, no changes are necessary if there is a compliant grievance procedure already included in a club’s constitution or a club wishes to follow model rules’ grievance procedure, as it will automatically apply.

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