Wednesday Women: Jacqui Corbett talks values-based leadership

Written by Aug 6, 2024The Shout

On International Women’s Day every year, the voices and stories of women across the world are celebrated, as we address the issues that cause gender inequality and diversity. But despite these issues remaining, such voices and stories take a backseat once the day is done.

We think it’s worth doing the opposite and actively challenging the issues that create these gaps in our industry. So, we’ve launched this weekly series, Wednesday Women, where we’ll profile the stories of the inspiring women in this great and wide industry.

Today we speak with Jacqui Corbett, Chief Operating Officer at Momento Hospitality.

Over the last 16 years, Corbett has had the pleasure of working with some iconic venues and leaders that have formed the foundation for a colourful career in hospitality.

Upon moving to Sydney in 2008, one of her first roles was with The Keystone Group at Gazebo Wine Garden.

“The wine bar concept at the time was cutting edge – casual but exceptional service with a focus on wine education that was fun and broke all the rules. It was an alternative that sat between the bar and restaurant market and was received really well by the public,” she explained.

Drawn to innovation, Corbett says she had a particular interest in the work Drink n Dine were doing in the pub scene, delivering high quality food and beverage with quirky brands, which she says broke the mould for the standard pub, and led her to join the group in 2012.

“I joined the group to support the opening of The Forrester’s Hotel and took on my first group operations role shortly after. Being a small group I had exposure to all departments which has held me in good stead throughout my career. 

“Australian Venue Co’s (AVC) first NSW acquisition was the Drink n Dine portfolio which saw me transition across as an Area Manager. AVC continued to grow its Sydney portfolio rapidly which was an exciting time to be part of an emerging national organisation. This was where I was able to learn a lot about scale, operating as a group and financial performance,” she added.

After having her son, Corbett moved into a training and development/human resources role and later transitioned to marketing and operations during her tenure, and she says these changes were a reflection of the dynamic growth within the forming group. 

Speaking about the career move that would follow, Corbett said: “I was attracted to Sydney Collective because of their strong successful brands, and a commitment to excellence in product and guest experience which really spoke to me. I started in group operations in 2019, which post-pandemic transitioned into a COO role.”

While Corbett has gained invaluable knowledge from all of her career placements, it was during this time that she recalls one of the most defining moments of her career.

“The greatest point of impact would be when Brett Seargent joined Sydney Collective and drove a shift to values-based leadership with business coach Garie Dooley. This spoke really deeply to me and is something I have led with to this day in my leadership roles.” 

Since February 2023, Corbett has worked at Momento Hospitality as Chief Operating Officer.

“I was drawn to Momento due to my respect and admiration for what the Colosimo family have created. Their strong family values, along with genuine passion and energy for hospitality, is a special combination which is inspiring and something I am very proud to be a part of,” she says.

“My aim is to help leaders grow, build exceptional teams and create experiences for our guests which are unforgettable.  I work with our operators and departments to take steps forward in that mission. 

“One of our core values is to continually improve and it’s my job to drive that and our other core values through the team.”

Having worked across some of the industry’s leading operators in such a broad variety of roles, Corbett has experienced the industry from all angles. Looking ahead, she highlights the importance of identifying external nuances and their impact on consumer behaviour.

“Opportunity from my perspective is based on guest experience and the ability to take new approaches to our daily operations in a climate which has shifted.

“Cost-of-living pressures have created an environment where expectations are higher. Most see that as a challenge, but I see it as an opportunity to drive performance across our industry.

“My advice would be to focus on brand clarity, get close to what guests are looking for and hone in on that. Simplify in order to increase the quality of the output and interrogate all areas of the business under a new lens to deliver results.”

Leading by example

Corbett is passionate about values-based leadership, and one of her priorities in this area is highlighting the importance of diversity and representation in the hospitality industry.

“Women can have challenges when rising to more senior levels, beginning families and therefore competing priorities within the home emerge.

“My personal experience has been very positive, with openness and flexibility I was able continue to grow. When applying this for others I have seen increased loyalty and dedication which results in positive returns.

“Extrinsically we need to show pathways forward for aspiring female leaders to be retained, nurtured and grow in senior leadership roles. Intrinsically we need to back ourselves and believe that we deserve a seat at the table, albeit one often not gender balanced,” she continued.

“There are no barriers, only opportunities to strengthen leadership teams if the decision makers make it a priority and see the value in investing time in addressing the challenges and perceptions of aspiring female leaders and the environments required to succeed in.”

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