Wednesday Women: Trish Brew on what it takes to be a brand ambassador

Written by Sep 25, 2024The Shout

On International Women’s Day every year, the voices and stories of women across the world are celebrated, as we address the issues that cause gender inequality and diversity. But despite these issues remaining, such voices and stories take a backseat once the day is done.

We think it’s worth doing the opposite and actively challenging the issues that create these gaps in our industry. So, we’ve launched this weekly series, Wednesday Women, where we’ll profile the stories of the inspiring women in this great and wide industry.

Today we speak with Trish Brew, who has worked in various capacities in the drinks industry from bartending and bar management to her current role as Fever-Tree Brand Ambassador.

When she finally reached the age to serve drinks, Brew recalls being encouraged to check out a new nightclub on Chapel Street, which would form the start of her career in drinks.

“When I got there, I met the bar manager, and after some small talk, he asked if I’d ever made drinks. I said, ‘well, I’ve made coffee’, he laughed and hired me on the spot,” she recalls.

“I didn’t even ask for a job, but I took it anyway. From that point on, new opportunities kept coming my way, without me actively seeking them. It’s never really about what you know; it’s about who you know. Eventually, I made a name for myself at Gin Palace, where I worked my way up to manager. That bar has a great track record for nurturing some incredible talent.”

Brew tells a similar tale of her move from bartending to being a brand ambassador, joking that the role at Fever-Tree was another that fell into her lap.

“As a bartender running a gin bar, Fever-Tree was our favourite mixer because it truly elevated the drinks. I was and still am in awe of the quality of the products. During the Aussie gin boom, everyone became obsessed with gin, but not everyone knew how to mix it well. I found myself talking endlessly about tonic and offering gin and tonic flights to educate customers,” she explained.

Practically already an ambassador for the brand, Brew says she was noticed by a Fever-Tree sales rep, who mentioned that they were looking for a brand ambassador.

“They thought I’d be perfect for the role, and since I was on the wrong side of 30 to be working until 4am anymore, I went for it. It felt like the role was made for me,” she stated.

While it felt like the nature of the role was deeply ingrained in Brew, the transition proved to be a steep learning curve.

“Corporate drinks is very different from bartending; it’s like learning a whole new language,” she says.

“When you switch to talking with bartenders again, you have to adjust your communication style. If you use corporate speak, bartenders won’t relate to you—it comes off as robotic to them. So, it’s a balancing act, but I’ve enjoyed the challenge. It’s been a great opportunity for growth, and I definitely feel like I made the right decision.”

Instagram versus reality

As a brand ambassador, Brew is responsible for promoting and representing Fever-Tree through education and engagement. Her role includes hosting training sessions for bartenders, collaborating on events, developing creative content, building relationships with key industry players and ensuring Fever-Tree’s products are well positioned in the market.

While the role involves plenty of travelling and fun events, it also relies on behind-the-scenes work to maintain the brand’s reputation and drive growth, and according to Brew, there is much more to it than people would expect.

“Being a brand ambassador is such an eclectic role; you need to be adaptable. There’s a lot of training and education sessions, event planning, emails, meetings, travel, and late nights followed by early mornings.

“From the outside, especially from social media, it might look like it’s all glitz, glam, and parties. But in reality, there’s a lot of hard work behind the scenes, and managing the expectations of multiple stakeholders is a real balancing act.”

If you ask Trish what it takes to be a brilliant brand ambassador, she’ll tell you that you need to genuinely love the brand you represent.

“If it’s just a job, people can tell right away. Authenticity is key. Remember, you’re there for the customer and the brand, not for yourself. It’s easy to get caught up in the spotlight, but it’s never really about you. Whether you’re sharing knowledge or creating good times, it’s all about catering to your audience – just like when you’re behind the bar,” she explains.

That same ethos also translates to her advice for bartenders who might be looking to take their career in a different direction within the drinks industry or with an interest in brand ambassadorship.

“Find a brand you love because it will make your job so much easier. If you get the chance to become a brand ambassador, go for it. The skills and connections you gain will take you places you never imagined. But be ready to work harder than ever before. It’s rewarding, but it’s a lot of effort,” she concluded.

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