Lion publishes latest Sustainability Report 

Written by Jul 24, 2024The Shout NZ

Lion has published its 2023 Sustainability Report – highlighting the progress it has made against its Force for Good Strategy.

Key highlights of the report include:

  • Reduced Scope 1 and 2 carbon emissions by 64% from a 2019 baseline and exceeding its 2030 Science Based Target of 55%, seven years ahead of schedule.
  • The proportion of recycled content in packaging has increased to 71.8% (from 64% in 2022), and our overall water consumption decreased to 3.32 litres of water per litre of beer produced (compared to 3.62 litres in 2022)
  • Released the first Human Rights Policy and increased its spend with Indigenous partners.
  • Remained committed to responsible consumption of alcohol, and Lion’s New Zealand Alcohol&Me education program celebrated its 10-year anniversary.
  • Over the past six years, Lion maintained a <1% difference in pay competitiveness for>
  • Overachieved the corporate volunteering target.

Lion Group CEO, Sam Fischer says Lion remains deeply committed to having a meaningful impact on the world.

“As a leading adult drinks company, we continue to strive for excellence, drive positive change and live to our purpose of Making The Moment Mean More,” he says.

“We acknowledge our role is to do the right thing for the long term for our people, the communities where we operate, our customers and our consumers.

“This report shows strong progress against all pillars of our strategy – whether it’s carbon emission reduction, driving the circular economy, or embedding diversity & inclusion.”

To read the full report, click here.

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